Originally from Atlanta, CJ moved to Iowa in November of 2013. CJ played basketball his first two years at Coe College and currently runs Track & Field for the Kohawks. Majoring in elementary education and an anticipated graduation of Spring 18'., CJ wants to become a successful teacher and coach.
Although fairly young, CJ has a plethora of experience in working with kids, coaching, and a ton of basketball experience. In addition to coaching at Pump N' Run, he is also involved with instruction at PGC Basketball and does individual/group workouts with Henderson Basketball Training. Coaching for 3 years now, CJ is looking to continue building himself under the Pump program and look to become an experienced coach and teacher.
"I am dedicated to this program and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else! I put my heart and soul into the time I spend with the kids and this is my passion."